Second International Scientific Conference “Ways of Evolutionary Geography” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of A.A. Velichko
Moscow, November 22-25, 2021

Andrey Alekseevich Velichko (1931 – 2015)
The main directions of the conference:
1. Actual problems of paleogeography: Multi-scale changes in Earths landscapes and climate in the Quaternary.
2. Paleogeographic basis of modern landscapes: Assessment of current and future changes in the natural environment based on retrospective analysis.
3. Questions of geoarcheology: The natural factor in the development of human society in Pleistocene and Holocene.
4. Geochronology of the Quaternary: Application of different dating methods in paleogeographic reconstruction.
Organization of the conference
The conference sessions will be held in Moscow on the basis of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Staromonetny per., 29) and the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pyzhevsky per., 7, p. 1) in
combined format – face-to-face and on-line, on the Zoom platform. Absentee participation is not provided. Presentations will be held in oral and poster form. For posters in a remote format, it is supposed to speak for 1-2 minutes and prepare a presentation of 2-5 slides, which will be available to all participants, as well as discussion in the conference chat.
The official languages of the conference are Russian and English.
On November 25, a field excursion will be held to the city of Zaraysk with a visit to the Zaraisk Late Paleolithic site. The conference participants will learn about the latest archaeological discoveries, visit a museum with a thematic hall dedicated to the late Paleolith, see the Zaraisk Kremlin and the valley of the river Osetr. The excursion will be conducted by S.Yu. Lev and V.E. Tumskoy.
Conference Chairman – Corresponding Member RAS O. N. Solomina (IG RAS)
Deputy Chairman – Academician V.M. Kotlyakov (IG RAS)
Deputy Chairman – Doctor of Geography A.V. Panin (IG RAS)
Program Committee:
Academician of RAS Kh.A. Amirkhanov (IA RAS)
Dr. A.Andreev (Alfred Wegener Institut, Potsdam, Germany)
Ph.D. Yu.P. Badenkov (IG RAS)
Dr. O. K. Borisova (IG RAS)
Dr. S. A. Vasiliev (IHMC RAS)
prof. N. Catto (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)
Ph.D. M.M. Gerasimova (IEA RAS)
Dr. V. S. Zykin (IGM SB RAS)
Ph.D. R. N. Kurbanov (Lomonosov State University, IG RAS)
Dr. Yuri A. Lavrushin (GIN RAS)
prof. D.O. Lordkipanidze (Georgian National Museum, Georgia)
Dr. A.O. Makeev (Lomonosov State University)
prof. S. Markovic (University of Novi Sad, Serbia)
Academician of RAS G. G. Matishov (SSC RAS)
prof. N. Rutter (Geological Survey of Canada)
prof. S. Sedov (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
Dr. L. Shumilovskikh (Georg-August-University, Goettingen, Germany)
Ph.D. A. A. Sinitsyn (IHMC RAS)
prof. L.Starkel (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Dr., prof. D.A. Subetto (Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia)
Ph.D. A.S. Tesakov (GIN RAS)
Ph.D. V.V. Titov (SSC RAS)
Dr. V.P. Chichagov (IG RAS)
prof. S.Yang (Institute of Geology and Geophysics CAS, China)
prof. T.Yang (Lanzhou University, China)
Dr., prof. T.A. Yanina (Lomonosov State University, IG RAS)
Organizing committee:
E.V. Voskresenskaya (IG RAS)
Ph.D. E.P. Zazovskaya (IG RAS)
Ph.D. NOT. Zaretskaya (IG RAS)
Ph.D. A.L. Zakharov (IG RAS)
Ph.D. I.S. Zyuganov (IG RAS)
Ph.D. N.V. Karpukhina (IG RAS)
Yu.M. Kononov (IG RAS)
Ph.D. E.A. Konstantinov (IG RAS)
Ph.D. E.I. Kurenkova (IG RAS)
L.I. Lazukova (IG RAS)
Ph.D. S.Yu. Lev (IA RAS)
E.A. Mazneva (IG RAS)
E.O. Mukhametshina (IG RAS)
Ph.D. N.N. Naryshkina (IG RAS)
Dr. E.Yu.Novenko (Lomonosov State University, IG RAS)
Ph.D. P.G. Panin (IG RAS)
A.I. Rudinskaya (IG RAS)
D.V. Seven-knee (IG RAS)
Ph.D. A.N. Simakova (GIN RAS)
N.V. Sychev (IG RAS)
Ph.D. S.N. Timireva (IG RAS)
K.G. Filippova (IG RAS)
Registration fee in the amount of 1000 rubles paid by full-time participants at registration (to cover coffee breaks and other organizational costs). The preliminary cost of participation in the field excursion is 2500 rubles. (includes transport, lunch, museum ticket).
Paid upon registration.
Until 09/30/2021 – abstracts submission.
Until 09/30/2021 – nomination of nominees for the A.A. Velichko Prize
Until 11/1/2021 – mailing of the third information letter with the conference program
11/22/2021 – the beginning of the conference
Abstracts should be up to 5 A4 pages, all fields – 2 cm. Text and references are typed at 1-space in Times New Roman font (without styles): text – 12 point size, list of references – 11 point size; paragraph – 1 cm; alignment – in width; hyphenation is automatic only. Start file names with the full name of the first author, extension * .doc. The order of the text: 1 – title in capital letters; 2 – the initials and surnames of the authors; 3 – organization name, city, state and author’s email address, alignment – in the center. Title of publication, initials and surnames of authors, the names of organizations are duplicated in English. Before the beginning of the text and before the list of references – one line space. References to sources in square brackets within the sentence [1]. References – alphabetically, names of authors in lowercase letters. Pages of text are not numbered. Allowed 2-3 black and white or color figures and 1-2 tables (made in MS Word in a form that does not allow displacement of rows and columns). Large tables are not accepted. Illustrations (resolution at least 300 dpi) as a separate file with the extension TIFF, JPG, PNG; figure captions are placed at the end of the text.
Materials are published in the author’s edition. Articles not drawn up according to the rules are not accepted.
Please send abstracts to the email address no later than September 30, 2021.
established by the Academic Council of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences
In order to encourage fundamental research in the field of studying the history of the natural environment, reconstructing the dynamics of landscapes and the climate of the Quaternary period, the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IG RAS) established the award named after the outstanding scientist geographer Professor Andrei Alekseevich Velichko (hereinafter referred to as the Award). The Award is prized by the Academic Council of the IG RAS once every five years. The Award has two nominations – for major achievements in the study of the Quaternary period of Northern Eurasia and for the outstanding work of a young researcher in the study of the Quaternary period of Northern Eurasia. The announcement of the Award for each nomination and the date of presentation will be published on the official website of the IG RAS. The Award consists of a cash prize, a diploma and a commemorative medal.
The nomination for major achievements in the study of the Quaternary period of Northern Eurasia is awarded to an accomplished researcher, whose work has made a significant contribution to the scientific picture of the world in the field of paleogeography, evolutionary geography, paleoclimatology, paleohydrology, paleoglaciology, paleosoil science, paleogeomorphology, paleobiological period geography. Works must be published in Russian and / or English.
The nomination for outstanding work of a young researcher in the study of the Quaternary period of Northern Eurasia is awarded to a researcher under the age of 39 (at the time of publication of the study) for a scientific publication (article, a series of articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals indexed in the WoS, SCOPUS citation systems, monograph, dissertation research), published in the 5-year period preceding the award of the Award, and making a significant contribution to the development of scientific knowledge, distinguished by originality and novelty in the formulation and solution of scientific problems. The nominee must be the first or only author of at least one of the submitted publications. The publication date is considered the release of the electronic version of the article on the journal’s website, the paper version of the monograph, the official award of a scientific degree based on the results of the dissertation defense. The work must be written in Russian or English.
For the competition for the Award, work is nominated by research workers, teachers, graduate students and doctoral students of research organizations and universities, without restrictions on age and citizenship. The right to nominate papers for the Award belongs to Academic Councils of research organizations and universities (including individual faculties), divisions of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Nomination occurs by sending a letter of recommendation on the letterhead of the organization, an extract from the meeting of the IG RAS department, with a short justification to the Commission at the email address of the conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of A.A. Velichko: The proposed scientific work in electronic format is attached to the letter of recommendation. The nomination for the Award must be sent to the address of the competition committee no later than September 30, 2021.